Monday, April 14, 2014

Story 3.....France Concentration camp..............

In a Concentration camp in France the audience consisted of hundreds of Spanish refugees. A priest and an atheist were debating the existence of God.
Mounting the dais, the priest expounded with simplicity the classic proofs of God's existence. when he had finished, the atheist mounted the platform and disagreed. if God exists let Him kill me within five minutes. After that time elapsed, he was able to say, God does not exist because He did not kill me. a roar of applause hailed the proof of the unbeliever as he ridiculed the priest's arguments.
The priest resumed the rostrum, requested a loaded gun, placed it in the hands of his opponent and asked him to kill him within five minutes. the atheist did not shoot. This man beside me does not exist because he did not fire, cried the priest to the public livid with emotion.
The many good deeds performed by that priest prevented the atheist from firing, and the priest said: You have spared my life when i asked you to kill me the same as God has spared yours when you dared Him to deprive you of your life.

Story 2 about ..................... Napoleon 1 and his soilders.

              The story goes that Napoleon I, during his campaigns did not want to stop in any palace or nearby house, but sure of his popularity, preferred to set up his tent among the others, in the field. this imperial camaraderie won the affection of his soilders. flattered and grateful, they said, The emperor is here near us; what monarch has ever been so informal? there , in our midst stands his tent with blue and white stripes, topped off with a purple crest.
cannot Christians say the same, not of their emperor but of God?

God and His Attributes.....Story 1

A young man wishing to grow in virtue went to see a celebrated servant of God and said to him, Where can i feel nearer to God?
The holy man too him to a deserted spot and replied, Here you will feel God very close to you, With that he left him in that lonely place. so it is: we can feel God when we find ourselves away from the world. the Holy Spirit has already said: "I will take the soul to a lonely place and will speak to his heart.
Ducam eam in solitudinem, et loquar ad cor eius.
Good day prayers...and love....from me.........

An Introduction to Spiritual Direction

 Introduction: I would like you to journey with me in this systematic process of learning on what is spiritual direction. What exactly do we...