I would like you to journey with me in this systematic process of learning on what is spiritual direction. What exactly do we do? what does it consist of? Do we need it at all? Is it only for those who are in crisis? I am sure as we journey we will able to discover answers to these questions.
So what are we going to begin with:
1. What is spiritual direction?2. Why is spiritual direction valuable?
3. Who can be a spiritual director?
4. How can you offer spiritual direction?
* To begin with: The root of Spiritual Direction.
Spiritual direction is one of the oldest practices we have in the world. It is not just connected with religion, but it was used in all sorts of life. Today across the globe we find people seeking spiritual direction. The queen of Sheba sought out wisdom of Solomon. Jesus gave us example of Nicodemus who came to seek him at night, the women at the well, peter and all other disciples. Back in the early church people flocked to hermits to seek advice and solutions to the problems in life. Across the universe we can quote ample of examples such as some German Benedictine nuns, in Therese of Avila, John of the Cross, Francis de sales, Irish monks etc.....Even today may companies, work places seek this opportunity to sit one by one, or as a group to talk, share and understand.
Well we are all connected in life. To God, to our family, to our community, society and to our neighbor....imagine you live in a world alone without anyone, and there are moments you feel despo to talk to someone, share, sit by......this is what we are talking that we need each other, to help each other to be one with each other in God. ............God bless......assure you my prayers and blessings....