Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The celebration of children’s day was held on 13th November 2010 in Don Bosco High school Nalgonda. There were 1000 students present for the programme. The chief guest of the programme was Madam Idi Ganz from Switzerland. There was also Rev. Fr. Anand SDB, the Director of Don Bosco Academy Nalgonda, Rev. Fr. Bhaskar the Headmaster of the school, teachers and parents for the celebrations.

The programme started with a note of prayer at 1.00 pm. There were many colourful Programmes by the students from each class. The comedy skit, speeches and other traditional songs and dances of children added more colour to the celebration.  Rev. Fr. Anand SDB the Director of the Don Bosco Academy addressed the children on this occasion. As a man of great experience in the field of Young at Risk who worked for several years to  rescue and protect street and working children;  for the promotion of their rights, for their holistic development and integration into the mainstream society as responsible citizens.shared on the pathetic situation of the  poor and abandon children in our state. He concluded saying that no child is orphan in this world as along as we are alive to protect and promote the children and youth at risk.  Rev. Fr. Bhaskar SDB the Headmaster of the school shared on the occasion on the importance of education and how it helps one to come up in life.

In honor of children’s day celebration there were also many sport competitions were held to the students. The prizes were distributed to the students of every class by the chief guest of the programme Madam Idi Ganz from Switzerland. Madam Idi on her behalf also presented a gift to all the children in the school. It was really a great gesture and an expression of love for children.

The programme concluded with a note of thanking the chief guest and all the people who contribute in making the programme successful. As the students departed back to their class the sweets were distributed. The programme ended at 4.30pm.

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