Thursday, December 23, 2010


As the famous saying goes by Gandhi: “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”. Saying of the Red Cross society is that “donating blood saves lives”. On 18th December 2010 the College Youth of the Don Bosco Academy have come forward in donating blood. There were 40 students from the college who donated blood. Rev. Fr. Balashowry SDB, the Principal of Don Bosco Degree and P.G College took the initiative in organizing this programme, with the help of Dr. Sudhkar, the Director of the Red Cross Society, Government hospital, Nalgonda.

Speaking on the occasion Rev. Fr. Balashowry SDB, the Principal of the Don Bosco Degree and P.G College, spoke that, due to the lack of well organized donor agencies in the state, the blood donors are diminishing. At present only ten percent of the required blood comes from voluntary donors, while the rest comes from family members and friends of patients who need blood.

I am K. Mohan, a student of Don Bosco Degree College. I tried to give blood when I was 16, but was declined in my junior college. I was finally able to give blood and have given twice in Don Bosco Degree College. I love donating blood to save the lives of the people every time. It makes me feel like a better person.

It was a joyful gesture to see a lot of youth participating in blood donation. The students were well appreciated and encouraged by the management and staff.


On 19th December 2010, the Community of Don Bosco Academy plunged out to animate and organize the youth at kethepally, Nalgonda. There were 50 youth present for the meeting. The programme commenced at 10am with a note of prayer. The animators of the programme were the community of Don Bosco Academy under the able guidance of Rev. Fr. Balashowry SDB, the Youth Director and Principal of Don Bosco Degree and P.G College. The theme for the programme was “Youth and Decision making in the light of the word of God”.

The programme began with an introductory talk by Rev. Fr. Balashowry SDB saying that  in the last few years, due to socio-economic and political factors, there have been increasing health problems among the youth: unemployment, suicide, alcoholism, sex-related offences and general adjustment problems in the youth. Today, the youth in India form one of the most vulnerable groups, who on the one hand are expected to be the leaders to determine the destiny of India, and on the other hand, are an exploited and confused group. He also made the students to participate, and helped them to reflect on various questions.

After the coffee break Rev. Fr. Bhaskar SDB the Headmaster of Don Bosco High School, Nalgonda spoke on the importance of “making right decision in life, and how to shape one’s life”. The third secession was by Br. Papi Reddy who shared his experiences for the questions that were asked by the youngsters.

At the conclusion of the programme the youth of kethepally shared their experience and efforts and thanked the fathers and brother for the memorable animation. Rev. Fr. Joseph the Parish Priest of the kethepally thanked organizers and all the youth for participating in the programme. The programme concluded with tea and snacks.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


On the 12th December 2010 in the diocese of Nalgonda the CRI meeting took place in Pastoral center. There were around 100 members present for the meeting, from different parts of the diocese. The theme of the programme was “Peace on earth will come to stay, when we live Christmas every day.” The programme began at 9am with a Christmas carol. The programme was organized by the community of Don Bosco Academy, Nalgonda. The inaugural session was given by Rev. Fr. Anand SDB, the president of CRI Nalgonda and the director of Don Bosco Academy on the theme: “WHAT DID YOUGET FOR CHRISTMAS?” (Colossians 3:12-17) As we look towards Christmas and new year, God is calling us to clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, forgiveness and love — the new clothes of the kingdom of God. A Christmas resolution for all of us is to put on the robe of Christ has given us, to resolve to be a Christian in thought, word and deed; in short, to practice what we preach. There was deep sharing and reflection on the topic from the floor. The talk was well appreciated by the members of the CRI.

To add more life to the gathering, there were various Programmes animated by the Salesians of Don Bosco Academy. After a short coffee break Rev. Fr. Bhaskar animated all with bombarding quiz on Christmas and each received a gift for answering the questions. There was also drawing and crib competitions for the communities. It was a lovely sight to see varieties of cribs and drawings prepared by different communities. It was also a commendable to bring on the part of each participant a decent Christmas gift to share with the other.

After the lunch break it was time to prepare for the confession and praising God. It was animated by Rev. Fr. Dominic SSS. It was a beautiful sight to see all the fathers, sisters and brothers participating in the service. It was followed by Eucharistic Celebrations presided by the Monsignor of the dioceses Rev. Fr. Arogyam, the director of the Pastoral Centre. After the Eucharistic there was a cake cutting celebration also keeping in mind the birthday of Br. John Kujur DOC who was also the Sants Clause for the programme.

At the conclusion of the programme Rev. Fr. Anand SDB, the president  gave a note of thanks to all the members for having participated in the programme lively and for preparing wonderful cribs, drawings. All departed back homes enriched, energized and enthused after a cup of coffee. And the Salesian community was thanked for the animation of the programme.


On the 8th December 2010 the Community of Don Bosco Academy has honored our lady with a Serenade. As Salesians of Don Bosco it was also a great day to remember Don Bosco, who has began the Oratory with a first boy called Bartholomew Garelli. The programme began at 7pm in the evening. Rev. Fr. Anand SDB, the director of the Don Bosco Academy shared an official statement of the Church doctrine saying…the blessed Virgin Mary to have been, from the first instant of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of Almighty God, in view of the merits of Christ Jesus the Savior of Mankind, preserved free from all stain of original sin.” Essentially the Immaculate Conception is the belief that Mary was protected from original sin, that Mary did not have a sinful nature, and was, in fact, sinless. And also he shared his personal devotion to the Blessed Mother.
The programme took a good start by presenting hymns, speeches and poems to honor the immaculate Virgin Mary. Br. Balashowry SDB with the help of the students enacted the incident of meeting Bartholomew Garelli by Don Bosco on 8th December 1841. There was also a beautiful coral piece put up by the students on the theme: “ Laudate Laudate Laudate Maria” animated by Br. Papireddy. The programme concluded with a five minute movie programme presenting on the birth of Mary and how God worked in her life preparing the way for Christ.

The programme was animated by Br. John Kujur DOC and Br. Sangeet DOC who are part of the community. The brothers were appreciated for the hard work they have put in for the preparation of the academy. It was really a prayerful atmosphere where all the members of the community gathered together to thank God for the gift of Immaculate Mary

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 Introduction: I would like you to journey with me in this systematic process of learning on what is spiritual direction. What exactly do we...