Saturday, December 18, 2010


On the 8th December 2010 the Community of Don Bosco Academy has honored our lady with a Serenade. As Salesians of Don Bosco it was also a great day to remember Don Bosco, who has began the Oratory with a first boy called Bartholomew Garelli. The programme began at 7pm in the evening. Rev. Fr. Anand SDB, the director of the Don Bosco Academy shared an official statement of the Church doctrine saying…the blessed Virgin Mary to have been, from the first instant of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of Almighty God, in view of the merits of Christ Jesus the Savior of Mankind, preserved free from all stain of original sin.” Essentially the Immaculate Conception is the belief that Mary was protected from original sin, that Mary did not have a sinful nature, and was, in fact, sinless. And also he shared his personal devotion to the Blessed Mother.
The programme took a good start by presenting hymns, speeches and poems to honor the immaculate Virgin Mary. Br. Balashowry SDB with the help of the students enacted the incident of meeting Bartholomew Garelli by Don Bosco on 8th December 1841. There was also a beautiful coral piece put up by the students on the theme: “ Laudate Laudate Laudate Maria” animated by Br. Papireddy. The programme concluded with a five minute movie programme presenting on the birth of Mary and how God worked in her life preparing the way for Christ.

The programme was animated by Br. John Kujur DOC and Br. Sangeet DOC who are part of the community. The brothers were appreciated for the hard work they have put in for the preparation of the academy. It was really a prayerful atmosphere where all the members of the community gathered together to thank God for the gift of Immaculate Mary

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