Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Seminar to Degree Students In Suryapet 31-10-2010

Hi friends, i am here to share with you my dilightifual emperience that i have just experienced today. Today has been a blessed day to me, such as a day filled with rich experiences and contacting many new young firebrands in my life.

I have been to suryapet to address a talk with help of Fr. Bhaskar in Nirmala convent which is closer to the bus stop. we commenced our meeting with a Holy Eucharist celebrated by Fr. Balaswamy and Bhaskar after which we invited the students to a hal. At the begining of it we had a ice break secession where on we divided the students into four main groups as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

There were 55 students present for the meeting from near by village. The meeting was organized in Nirmal Convent in sruypet. There were two fatheres, sisters and my self as a brother.

It was really a wonderful experience for me talking to students and explaining to them the imporant of life and being SMART in life.

S   -    Specific
M  -    Measurable
A  -     Atchievable
R  -     Realistic
T  -     Time Bound

I am sure these things are new and fresh for you in your life. I thing we can learn something new for this today...........thank you.........see you back soon



This is the question. Are you willing to share your gifts? Are you willing to be amazing? Are you willing to allow the great love of the universe to work through you so you can support others?

I have been asking myself this question because I have noticed those times when I have resistance or reluctance to acknowledge the gifts I have been given and let them loose on the world. Whatever the fear has been, I have, at times, unknowingly, allowed it to be in charge. This is not black and white, yes or no. This is a matter of degree. Do you allow yourself to express your gifts fully? Or do you hold back?

We are given these gifts to give to others. And, we get to experience them moving through us as well, which is so great! Speaking for myself, I have opened so much more fully to sharing these gifts that I can't help but grin, because the people I am sharing them with are benefiting so deeply. This is the beauty and this is what I am grateful for every day -- to have the chance to be a vehicle for love and inspiration in this world. Are you willing to do that as well?

The trick is this -- to recognize that those gifts come through you -- to not get caught up in your ego. To understand that our job is to open that space and allow it to flow. At the same, time, it is to understand that you are the one to share these gifts. This is how the divine is realizing itself through you.

My son and I were having lunch yesterday, talking about the whole idea of paying dues. As a Wall Street trader, he has spent years cultivating the emotional, spiritual and technical knowledge and abilities he needs to play that game. And when he plays well, he sometimes feels that it's just too easy. That he hasn't earned the rewards. I say, forget about it! I've watched him sweat bullets to get to the place he is in. He has payed his dues. Otherwise, he wouldn't be receiving.

When I think about myself, I have, at times, minimized the dues I've paid. But I have. I have spent years and years doing the deep spiritual, emotional and intellectual work essential to honouring the knowledge and abilities I need to do the work I do.

So, say yes. Say yes in sharing that knowledge, wisdom, talent and skill you have with those who will benefit. This is the way of it. This is what we are supposed to do! This is how the divine works in this world to the benefit of everyone. This is the expression of love we are all a part of. Are you willing to give your gifts? I hope, for all our sakes, you are.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

some photos of Ramoji Film City

Visit of our Benefactors Mr. Mario and Mrs. Rosella

I was indeed happy to meet our Benefactors Rosella and Mario from Italy. It was on 22nd of this month they came to our community Don Bosco Academy to view the project and gave a helping hand and leading it to the road of success. We thank God for these benefactors of ours and we pray that God may bless them abundantly for thier genarosity and love. we also had celebration with school, it was really a splendid programme. The progarmmes were really wonderfual and each one is better than the other.

Community Picnic to Ramoji Film City (RFC)

After a long gap the awaited time has come for us just to enjoy for few minutes journing in Ramoji film City. I personaly enjoyed the trip very much. For me it was a great opportunity to visit the Ramoji Film City which is considered as the 7th wonder in the world.

Historical Background

Ramoji Film City (RFC) is the world’s largest integrated film studio complex at over 2,000 acres (8.1 km2) of land . It is also a popular tourism and recreation centre, containing both natural and artificial attractions including an amusement park. It is situated near thePeddamberpet on Hyderabad highway, about 25 km South-East of Hyderabad. The Outer Ring Road

My Personal Experience:

For me personally it was a beautifual experience after a long gap. Good number of event a new to me when i been inside the film city. I really thank God and my community members for this great opportunity and to cherish these moment with are some of the photos................

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Community Recollection 14th October 2010 to Chandur

We as the community of Don Bosco Academy been out for a day of recollection, planned by our Director Rev.Fr. Anand. The Venue was decided that in Don Bosco Chandur the recollection would be held. we commenced our recollection with a short prayer service, which was followed by Eucharist in which Brothers Papireddy, Balashowry were asked to share five minutes on the word of God.

We celebrated mass in Anjali Bhavan in Chandur, after which we departed to Don Bosco Chandur for our lunch time. Br. Paul for the community of Chandur had joined us for lunch, it was a wonderful time specially for brothers to spend time together. 

The atmospher of prayer and recollection continued with fervor and devotion, we had deep sharing  about each other on the topic "The Impact of Christ In Your Life". 

We concluded our recollection with short prayer service and it was follwed by the tea break in Anjali Bhavan.

We thank God for the Blessed and Beautiful day in our lives.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

DON BOSCO ACADEMY NALGONDA Ministry of Rural Development, India. (MORD) The Inauguration of the ministry of rural development was held at Don Bosco Academy on 9th Sep 2010.

The main guest for the Inaugural programme were, Most Rev. Govindhu Joji  DD the Bishop  of Nalgonda, Rev. Fr. Thati Reddy Vijay Bhaskar the vice provincial, Gutha Sukendher Reddy garu (M.P) member of the parliament, Rajeshwar Reddy garu, D.R.D.P, Rev. Fr. Anand, the director of Don Bosco Academy Nalgonda, Rev. Fr. Ballamkonda Sudhakar the director the B.S.K. We also had many others like Surpunch and other dignitaries from near by villages. It was a great gesture from the part of the students who invited the guests with a band. It was followed by snack break for all the guests. After a couple of minutes the main guests were invited on to the stage.
The Programme commenced at invoking the blessings of God upon all the gathered. At the outset Rev. Fr. Anand, the Director of the Don Bosco Academy welcomed all the chief guests on to the dais, by honoring them with a shoal and bouquet of flowers. It was followed by a symbolic gesture lighting the five candles which resemble the five important duties for our life. The first candle symbolize hard work, the second punctuality, the third participation, the fourth availability, and the last one hospitality. The dignitaries were given few minutes to express their ideas and views on this occasion. The Bishop of Nalgonda, Most.Rev. Govindu Joji on this occasion expressed that we need to be grateful to God and especially to Don Bosco who took the lead in helping the poor and abandoned youth. He also expressed that youth need to be very receptive to the needs and the problems of the nation and learn to make use of this opportunity to the best. He also stressed that there are many ways and means to earn the livelihood and to be good citizens in life. 
Rev. Fr. Thatti Reddy Vijay Bhaskar, the vice provincial of the Hyderabad province expressed his views, saying that the youth of today are very important for the nation and they are the future leaders of the nation. So the present foundation is essential for the tomorrow’s buildings. Our Member of Parliament Gutta Sukhender Reddy garu expressed that youth need be very receptive to the needs and problems of the nation. He also stressed that there are many ways and means to earn the livelihood and to be a good citizen in life. Fr Sudhakar the director of the DB Tech explained to all the history and benefits of the MORD. The youth who were present were very happy and they promised that they will make use of this best opportunity and benefit by it.
There were 160 school and college dropouts participated in the programme and they will be part of the first batch students. Likewise the next four batches follow every three months. The programme was concluded with a prayer.

Community Picnic to Mattampalli, Nalgonda

A couple of weeks back we as community member went out to a near by village named mattampalli for our recollection, which is situated in the district of Nalgonda. The village Mattampalli was and is famous for its devotion to Jesus Christ and Blessed Mother.

It was a delightful moment to visit a shrine like this. The background and significance of this beautiful church is there is a well in the church where on the water nooses out lavishly. It's said that it is a miracle of God. This was also the church that was build by the villager, with their contribution. There are good number of Brother, Sisters, and Father who are ordained from this village to work in Lord's vineyard. we thank God for this .............................

My Photos

My collection of Photos, which I had photographed in different places

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An Introduction to Spiritual Direction

 Introduction: I would like you to journey with me in this systematic process of learning on what is spiritual direction. What exactly do we...